Curator and writer
Webinar: Critical Walk, 2021 © Johanna Zanon.
Webinar: Critical Walk
Is critical walk a curatorial practice, an art form, or an enhanced guided tour? Invited speakers will discuss the concept of walk in their own practice and field(s), inviting the audience to participate. This webinar is the second event of the preparatory project Critical Fashion Walk.
-Johanna Zanon, “Introduction to Critical Fashion Walk”
-Daniela Ramos (curator), “Nordnes Strolls: Walking as a Way of Being Together”
-Anne-Sophie Turion (artist), “Walking as Ploughing Furrows: ‘Grandeur Nature’ and ‘Étant donné une façade’”
-Alessandro Marchi (artist), “Critical Walks”
-Qixuan Yang (landscape architect), “It Begins with a Walk”
-Brynhild Slaatto (textile artist) and Gro Røde (historian), “Blåtøy og teglstein (Gingham and bricks): A wandering conversation in art and textile history along Akerselva”
Critical Fashion Walk aims to create walks that explore the fashion history of Oslo through art and research. As an experimental and interdisciplinary platform, Critical Fashion Walk hopes to foster a series of material, visual, sonic, and textual interventions that entangle digital and sensory experiences of fashion in the public space.
Critical Fashion Walk is curated by Johanna Zanon, supported by Teknisk Museum, Culture[s] de Mode, and funded by KORO and the Institut Français de Norvège.
See also the webinar "Critical Fashion."
See also the pilot walk of Critical Fashion Walk.
March 10, 2021.